holiday paddocks are the best
- NOTE Our cattle numbers were conservative as Olive's father had always overgrazed his property she was determined to grow more grass.
- We stocked ~300 male steer cattle >425kg at a rate of 1x animal per 3.5 hectares which varied a bit depending on the weather conditions.
- Beef cattle consisted of ~6x mobs of ~50 steers using the better country.
- 2x mobs of horses and 2x mobs of milkers, calves and pet cattle used ~157 hectares (7 smaller paddocks) was mostly for farmstay purposes.
- We always had some paddocks resting with no livestock - we name them "holiday paddocks".
Rotational grazing is a system developed using the latest research and is a system for managing the rest and recovery of our land. With the use of mathematical calculations of when to give the paddocks holidays soil on the farm can improve which makes more grasses and fatter and happier cattle and fatter and happier bank accounts! And some very satisfied people who are not only making a healthy living from the land that they love but technology can help them improve it's health - it's a win win!
step onehow we started // APril, 2000
not done by the book // but a startBASIC THEORY in SUMMER when the grass is growing
Our grass priority